Apron Belly: What It Is, Causes & 5 Ways To Get Rid of It

apron belly

Many people struggle with an overhanging flap of skin down the stomach that resembles the appearance of an apron. This is known as an apron belly, and it can develop as a result of significant weight fluctuations or following childbirth. 

While it may be possible to lose fat through diet and exercise, there is no way to get rid of the excess skin except for going under the knife. However, knowing what causes the apron belly is essential in determining the best course of action.

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Dennie Morgan Lines: Causes & 3 Ways To Fix Them

dennie morgan line

Some skin problems can be indications of underlying health problems. Dennie Morgan (DM) lines or Dennie Morgan folds are an example of this. Because of their appearance, they’re usually confused with wrinkles and thought to develop as a result of ageing. However, that’s not always the case. 

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Top 13 Best Face Scar Treatments That Actually Work

face scar

A facial scar is not only a constant reminder of what you went through, but it can also negatively impact your emotional well-being. That is why many people seek face scar treatments. No matter how the scar got there, whether it was an accident, burn, injury or acne, research shows that it can weigh down your self-esteem and confidence. 

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