What Is a daddy makeover?
After having children, lifestyle changes can affect the physique of males. As a father of a newborn, you might not have enough time on your hands to go to the gym. This, along with poor dietary habits, can cause weight gain.
As a result, you could suffer from low self-esteem, which could negatively impact your personal, professional, and social lives. Here, you can benefit from a daddy makeover.
Just like mommy makeover, daddy makeover is the name given to a combination of surgeries that targets different areas of the body. These include:
- Gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction)
- Liposuction
- Tummy tuck
Males are genetically predisposed to storing more fat in the abdominal region. This is a reason why a lot of them struggle with a “beer” or “pot belly,” where they develop a noticeably large, protruding belly. And even after losing weight with diet or exercise, many men struggle with persistent pockets of fat deposits.
At the same time, those males may struggle with sagging skin around their abdomen and separated muscles in the abdominal wall, for which they seek a tummy tuck. In addition to these problems, if they also feel self-conscious about having “man boobs” because of an imbalance of hormones and storage of fat, they may seek a daddy makeover to fix all these problems at once.
Keep in mind liposuction in a daddy makeover does not target visceral fat, which lies deep within the abdomen and is wrapped around the internal organs. You have to burn this excess fat through diet and exercise.
Liposuction only removes subcutaneous fat, which lies directly underneath the skin. This surgery is not for weight loss.
Who Can Have a Daddy Makeover & Why?
You are a suitable candidate for this cosmetic surgery if you:
Have a healthy body weight.
Have lost significant weight as a result of gastric sleeve/gastric bypass surgery and are left with loose, sagging skin in the chest and abdominal areas.
Have localized areas of fat in the body around the abdomen, thighs, back, buttocks, and arms that you’re unable to get rid of through diet and exercise.
What To Think About Before You Have A Daddy Makeover?
Before getting any cosmetic surgery, you need to do your research. For that, you need to ask some questions about your clinic and the surgeon. These include:
- What’s the training, experience and registration of the surgeon performing my cosmetic surgery?
- How many daddy makeovers have they performed, and for how long?
- Is the surgeon board-certified? If so, which board, and how can I verify this?
- Can I look at the patient portfolio of the surgeon and see the before/after pictures?
- What are the risks, complications, and aftercare?
- What’s the downtime of the surgery, and how long will I have to take off work (depending on the nature of my job)?
- Does the surgeon have malpractice insurance, and is the clinic registered?
Also, when browsing through the before/after galleries of clinics online, you should look out for the “some images may be models” in the web page’s fine print.
Those photos are not reliable and create unrealistic expectations.
Preparing for Surgery
To prepare for your surgery, here are some common pre-operative do’s and don’ts:
- Inform us about your routine medications and any diseases.
- The night before surgery, shower and wash the surgical areas with hygienic soap.
- Wear only comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that button or zips in the front.
- Wax or shave your bikini area and legs. It may be uncomfortable to do so immediately after surgery.
- Arrange home care assistance services because you may feel extremely tired and drained for a few weeks following the surgery.
- Do not take Aspirin, Alieve, or Ibuprofen. Review the list of drugs containing aspirin and ibuprofen carefully.
- Do not wear make-up, moisturizers, creams, lotions on the day your procedure is scheduled.
- Do not wear jewelry, contact lenses and remove any piercings on the day of the procedure.
- Do not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight the night before your surgery.
- Do not smoke for 2 weeks before surgery or consume alcohol during the week leading up to surgery.
What Is The Procedure For Daddy Makeover?
For these procedures, the surgeon begins by marking the problem areas and then administering general anaesthesia.
After that, they will proceed with the surgeries, which can take anywhere between 3-6 hours. Once they’re done, the surgeon may place drains around the chest and abdomen. These usually get removed before discharge.
This is a condition in which the breast tissue grows beyond what’s considered normal in males. This can happen as a result of the deposition of fat cells or the increased levels of estrogen in the blood.
In this plastic surgery, the doctor removes the excess skin and fat.
In addition, they may resize and reposition the areola and the nipple. The surgical technique can vary depending on the needs of the patient.

This is a body contouring plastic surgery in which the doctor uses a cannula or ultrasound waves to break down fat and then uses a vacuum to suck it out.
When performing liposuction in males, surgeons take the physiological differences between males and females into account.
Males have a slightly higher waist-to-hip ratio than females; they want to sculpt and tone their bodies with liposuction while women aim to achieve an hourglass figure.

Tummy Tuck
While liposuction targets excess fat, the tummy tuck mainly removes excess skin and tightens the abdominal muscles to reduce laxity.
The surgeon makes a straight incision above the pubic area and then adjusts the belly button’s shape, size and position after redraping the skin.

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Recovery & Results Of Daddy Makeover
You will have to stay in the medical facility for 1 or 2 days. However, once you leave, it’s best if you have someone accompany you since you’re going to need help moving around.
Make sure that you’re getting ample rest and don’t forget to take your prescription medications. Also, you’ll be wearing a compression garment around the abdomen to help with the post-op swelling. Do not take it off for a few weeks unless you’re taking a bath.
You may have to take 2-4 weeks off work, maybe even more. And for the results, you’ll have to wait for at least 4-6 months to start seeing something. But for the final outcome, you’ll have to wait for a year or so. And it’s important to note that the results of the surgery are permanent as long as you maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise.
Aftercare Of Daddy Makeover
In the aftercare, you can start taking small walks after a few days. However, you need to avoid hardcore exercise routines for around a month and a half. Also, do not try lifting anything heavy for a couple of weeks.
Do not take off your compression garment before 4-6 weeks, as advised by the surgeon. Smoking and excessive drinking decrease blood flow to surgical wounds, delaying healing. So, it’s best to avoid these in the recovery.
Lastly, make sure to pack proteins, fibres, vegetables, and fruits into your diet and drink lots of water. Prescription pain medicines can cause constipation, so do not consume any sweet, processed foods, as these can worsen the problem.
Side Effects to Expect After Daddy Makeover
Side effects to expect after a daddy makeover include:
This is a part of the healing process as cells accumulate in the surgical areas, causing them to swell.
It can take 3 months for most of the swelling to go away. However, it completely goes away after a year.
Pain, redness, and bruising
This is a result of the surgery itself and can take 1-3 weeks to go away.
You will feel tight around the abdomen because of the suturing of the abdominal muscles. You will adjust to this after a few weeks.
This can result from any invasive surgery in which the surgeon makes incisions. It will start to fade and will be significantly lighter after 12 months.
* Aftercare instructions can vary between surgeons, so make sure to follow the advice of your surgeon.
What Could Go Wrong After a Daddy Makeover?
Following complications can arise after a daddy makeover:
What To Do If You Have Problems After Daddy Makeover In Turkey?
Daddy makeover aftercare requires special attention, so make sure to keep track of your post-op progress. If you’re concerned that you’re experiencing a post-op complication, get in touch with the Aftercare team for a free consultation. To ensure that your recovery proceeds normally, learn more about aftercare from the guides available on our website.
Alternatives To Daddy Makeover
Currently, there are no surgical alternatives to a daddy makeover. Exercise and diet can help you lose fat in some areas of the body. But if there are stubborn fat cells, including in the chest area, that you can’t get rid of through diet and exercise, liposuction and gynecomastia surgery can effectively resolve these issues.
In addition, if you have lost weight significantly and are left with sagging skin, a tummy tuck is the only treatment for it.
Other Procedures to Have with Daddy Makeover
Although there are gender-based differences in the development of facial wrinkles and lines, men do form wrinkles and fine lines. For that, they can get non-surgical procedures like Botox, dermal fillers, and PRP with their daddy makeover.
As far as any additional surgical procedures are concerned, the patient may be advised against them. That’s because the aftercare of these three procedures alone can be quite taxing and difficult. Therefore, it’s best if you wait until after you’ve recovered.
Patient Journey
Patient Journey
Daddy Makeover in Turkey Before and After Photos
Case Overview
Case Overview
Case Overview
Case Overview
What Is The Cost Of a Daddy Makeover In Turkey?
Even though male plastic surgery isn’t that talked about because of some stigma around it, the number of males getting surgeries is increasing.
In the 2020 global survey by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), among males, liposuction and gynecomastia were the second and third-most popular procedures, respectively. More than 9,000 gynecomastia surgeries have been performed in Turkey alone.
The demand for daddy makeovers has led to a boom in medical tourism. A combination of surgeries will cost men 3-5 times more in the UK than in Turkey. The low cost of daddy makeovers in Turkey can be attributed to cheaper living, healthcare, and currency exchange. The Turkish Ministry of Health makes sure that high-quality services are provided to medical tourists.
Clinics also include accommodations, private airport transfers, personal translators, and aftercare services in the medical travel plans.
Frequently asked questions
Is the recovery of daddy makeover painful?
You can feel pain a few days following the surgery. Painkillers can help with that. Commonly, patients feel depleted of energy and tired, so it’s best to rest as much as you can.
How long will I need to stay abroad before I’m well enough to travel back to the UK?
After discharge, you’ll have to come in for your checkup appointments, so you may have to stay in Turkey for 6-7 after the daddy makeover.
Is daddy makeover safe?
Every surgery carries certain risks. However, in the hands of an experienced, board-certified surgeon, a daddy makeover is safe. You just have to be very careful in the aftercare process to avoid any complications.