What To Know About Eyebrow Lift Surgery

An eyebrow lift surgery, as the name suggests, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to lift the eyebrows for a more youthful appearance. While some people are born with naturally low brows, others can experience a drooping of this area as a result of ageing. Through a brow lift, however, it is possible to “reset” things.

But there are some important considerations about this treatment. And before you have this surgery, you should also clearly understand whether your needs will be met by an eyebrow lift alone or if you need to combine it with another procedure, such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).

What Is Eyebrow Lift Surgery?

An eyebrow lift surgery can help improve the drooping of the eyebrows for a more refreshed look. You might be considered suitable for this surgery if:

  • You have frown lines and forehead wrinkles that you want to reduce.
  • You feel like the sagging of your eyebrows is making you look tired and aged.
  • You are bothered by your eyebrows hooding over your eyes.
droopy eyebrows 1

It’s very important to note that a brow lift does not fix any hooding caused by your eyelids (such as from any excess skin there). It can, however, be combined with blepharoplasty to get rid of any extra skin so that you can achieve more dramatic results.

Before you have the surgery, your surgeon will assess your areas of concern and make recommendations accordingly.

What Is The Procedure For Eyebrow Lift?

After you arrive at the clinic and have your pre-op consultation, your surgeon will begin the procedure by administering anaesthesia so you don’t feel pain. Depending on the technique used, an eyebrow can be performed under local or general anaesthesia. Of the different number of ways in which a brow lift can be done, some of them are as follows:

Endoscopic Brow Lift

It’s one of the more popular techniques for performing a brow lift and involves the use of an endoscope – a tube with a camera attached to it.

It’s performed under general anaesthesia, and the surgeon makes 5 small incisions, which are 1-2 cm in length, according to a review published in the Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research. These incisions create an entry point through which certain structures along the eyebrow can be released so they can be lifted upwards.

Afterwards, your surgeon may place a bioabsorbable implant to fix the tissue, so even as you’re healing after surgery, your eyebrows will heal at an elevated position. The entire procedure can take about 1 to 2 hours, but, of course, it may take longer if you’re having another surgery with it.

One important consideration about an endoscopic brow lift is that it can slightly move your hairline back, so if you already have a large forehead and wouldn’t want any changes to size, you should make sure to talk about this with your surgeon.

Direct Brow Lift

Direct brow lift is another technique used for lifting the eyebrows, and it involves making incisions along the top border of the eyebrows for the purpose of removing some tissue. While the incision made for this surgery may be more easily concealed if the patient has thicker brow hair, it can be a concern if that’s not the case.

Coronal Brow Lift

This is an older technique used for performing a brow lift, however, it might still be offered by some. It’s more intense in that it involves an ear-to-ear incision extending horizontally on the scalp. While this surgery might conceal the scars of those who have hair, as noted in StatPearl’s guide, in patients who are bald, it can leave an “unsightly scar.”

Additionally, the authors highlight that this technique can increase the height of the existing hairline, so if you have a large forehead, a coronal brow lift can be avoided.

Temporal Brow Lift

A temporal brow lift is when the incisions are made on the sides. According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, in this surgery, around 1 inch long incisions are made “just above each temple, behind the hairline.” It then allows the surgeon to target the outer area of the eyebrows.

Midforehead Brow Lift

A midforehead brow lift involves using deep creases or wrinkles in a patient’s forehead to remove small pieces of tissue from the middle of the forehead. These incisions are then sutured up, and the eyebrows lifted.

The goal is to blend the scars from this surgery into the deep lines that are already present on the forehead. Still, visible scarring remains a concern with this surgery, which is why if you’re recommended it, make sure to have a thorough consultation about its pros and cons.

Is Eyebrow Lift Surgery Painful?

An eyebrow lift surgery is performed under anaesthesia, either general or local, so the procedure itself should not cause pain.

woman getting surgery

You can, however, experience pain and discomfort after the surgery (it can vary depending on the type of procedure you have). Your surgeon will likely prescribe you painkillers for it.

What To Expect During Eyebrow Lift Recovery?

The recovery of an eyebrow lift surgery can depend on the surgical technique used. It’s generally an outpatient surgery, meaning you won’t have to stay at the facility overnight.

You might be fitted with a drain after the surgery to get rid of the fluid accumulating underneath the skin. However, in some cases, your surgeon may choose not to place a drain. This decision depends on your unique case.

The staples in your skin (to close the incisions) will be removed after 1-2 weeks.

As for the side effects, you may experience the following during recovery:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Discomfort
  • Itching
  • Tightness

Make sure to take the medications prescribed by your doctor and discuss a recovery timeline with them so you have an idea that your healing is progressing normally.

Your aftercare instructions may also include avoiding showering for some days and using a hairbrush, as that may negatively impact your incisions. Strenuous activities like exercise will also have to be avoided for some time. Again, make sure to consult your doctor about all the dos and don’ts of aftercare.

You may be able to get back to work around the 2-week mark, but you should inform your surgeon about the nature of your work so they can advise you accordingly.

When Can You See The Results Of A Brow Lift?

The results of your brow lift will be immediately visible to you, but keep in mind that swelling can linger after the surgery.

Most of it might subside after 2 months, but it can take up to 6 months to completely go away. After that, you should be able to see the final results of your brow lift. The scar from the surgery should also fade over time.

How Long Does A Surgical Brow Lift Last?

The results of a surgical brow lift can last for a long time, but since your skin will still be affected by the natural process of ageing, your brow area will change over time.

There are a number of factors that may affect the longevity of your brow lift, such as”

  • the technique of the surgery
  • how well you take care of your skin
  • whether or not you smoke
  • how healthy your diet is

How Much Is Eyebrow Lift Surgery?

The price of an eyelid surgery can change depending on where you’re getting it. However, the surgical technique, type of anaesthesia, experience and qualifications of your surgeon, the location of the clinic and any additional procedure you might be having can also affect the overall cost.

Eyebrow Lift Cost In The UK

In the UK, an eyebrow lift surgery might cost you around £5,000-£6,000. It can vary, and your surgeon will provide you with a final quote after assessing your unique case.

Eyebrow Lift Cost In Turkey

In Turkey, an eyebrow lift surgery might cost you around £2,000. Surgery prices can be cheaper there because of the lower cost of living as well as the currency exchange rates (also considering the devaluation of the Turkish lira).

Is A Brow Lift Worth It?

Done by an experienced, qualified and board-certified medical professional, a brow lift may be worth it as it can effectively reposition the eyebrows. There are still certain risks associated with this surgery, such as:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Hair loss (where incisions were made)
  • Asymmetry
  • Nerve injury
  • Scarring

Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive, and you must discuss any potential complications associated with the surgery beforehand.

Can You Lift Your Eyebrows Without Surgery?

There are certain non-surgical treatment options for lifting the eyebrows, which are as follows:

  • Botox – It works by relaxing the muscles to make the eyebrows look a bit raised. Botox can last for 3-4 months.
  • CO2 lasers – Fractional ablative CO2 resurfacing can cause “thermal wounds” and also elevate the eyebrows, according to a study presented in the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 2009 Annual Meeting, as reported by Medscape.
  • Ultherapy – It works by tightening the skin of the forehead, which, in turn, creates a lifting effect. It’s also non-invasive.
  • Thread lift – It’s a minimally invasive, although non-surgical procedure, that involves the use of special threads that are placed underneath the skin to lift the eyebrows.
woman getting eyebrow treatment

A doctor can best tell you which treatment will best meet your specific needs and aesthetic goals.


Eyebrows play an important role in your facial expressions and appearance, therefore, an eyebrow lift surgery can help you achieve a more youthful aesthetic. There are different ways this surgery can be performed, but depending on your individual circumstance, your surgeon will recommend a treatment that can best meet your needs.

No matter where you’re getting this surgery, make sure to do your research to find someone who is skilled, knowledgeable and experienced in performing this procedure.

Reviewed and approved by Prof Dr Fuat Yuksel


What is the best age to get a brow lift?

Patients in their 40s, 50s or even late 30s might seek this procedure. However, younger patients can also get it, depending on what their concerns are. Similarly, older patients can get it as well. It can come down to the patient itself.

Can a brow lift look natural?

A brow lift can give you natural-looking results in a way that makes your face look more rejuvenated. However, you should make sure to discuss the potential complications of this surgery with your doctor. 

Are you awake during a brow lift?

There are certain types of brow lifts that are done under local anaesthesia so you can be awake. But there are others in which general anaesthesia is given so you will not be conscious. 

Do they shave your head for a brow lift?

Your hair will not have to be shaved for a brow lift.

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